Sunday, September 20, 2009


Weather Reports

It’s reassuring reading Billy’s show reports about how things are going in Mainz, it mostly sounds good, though there is a worrying sense of them also being weather reports. Whether it rains or not is a major consideration in the show and seemingly it has become as unpredictable as genuine rain in the UK.


Here in Montpellier it has been reliably sunny. Of All The People In All The World is taking shape at Domaine d’O. Everything is on course for tomorrow’s opening. Causing more anxiety is the small additional performance I am doing with Chris tomorrow.


About 1,000 people are expected for the launch of the venue’s new direction. They arrive knowing nothing about what is to happen and in the course of the evening get to have encounters with artists who will be appearing at the venue over the next three years we are on the agenda. The performance is conceptually very simple. I am doing and introduction to Stan’s Cafe, Chris is translating but the translation is unreliable.


My French is very poor and my ability to memories scripts appalling and in this performance I am required to speak French and stick to a script. Hopefully we find some time tomorrow afternoon to polish it up a bit.



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