Thursday, May 08, 2008


Fruit and Veg Cities Come To Christchurch

Craig and I have had a fun two days in Christchurch School, Birmingham, working with Year 3 building Fruit and Veg Cities.

On Tuesday we looked at pictures of lots of impressive buildings. We imagined what might happen inside these buildings, where they are in the world and why they are shaped as they are. Later we did a quiz identifying many different kinds of fruit and vegetables. We drew pictures of vegetables on coloured paper and cut them out. Then we arranged these vegetables so they looked like buildings and stuck them down. On some of the pictures we added drawings of people to help us imagine how big the buildings might be.

In the afternoon everyone contributed ideas as Craig demonstrated safe ways of cutting and clever ways of joining fruit and vegetables together using cocktail sticks. Finally, working in pairs, the whole class made practice models, which were all very imaginative.

Today, with no spare classroom space we’ve been outside in the warm sun, much to the excitement of the ants. Everyone has been working hard. The whole class has come out in pairs to make their models, whilst inside postcards have been made and messages written from imaginary cities. The models we built in boxes were: the Taj Mahal, The Sydney Opera House, a scenes from Dubai and London, the street we live on, an imaginary city with a big clock tower, a palace that a Queen lives in, a Disney Castle and a huge impressive Mosque.

At the end of the day we carried the diorama boxes in and lots of visitors came in to see what we had done; most were very impressed, some were bemused. Miss Latif said they were fantastic and Mrs. Glock said she’d had a good time helping too.


P.S. Soon we will have gathered together a selection of photographs of the models and add them to the website, we will link to the appropriate page from here.

Dorothy Wilson chaired an excellent discussion after The Cleansing Of Constance Brown in March. But it may be that I only consider this excellent as, with the rest of the company busy setting up for next show, I got to drone on a lot.
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