Thursday, February 08, 2007


MASSMoCA Get In Day 2

Things are really starting to take shape. Heather’s mugged up on her U.S. history, Ali’s got heavily involved in the U.S. penal system. Jake has been big in Boston. Howard has finished his masterwork – a map of the U.S. states indicating their population density. A swarm of interns and volunteers have moved things on apace, principally tidying things up.

Lighting is being fixed to kick in once daylight fades from the huge windows that flank one side of this big space.

We were front page of The Berkshire Eagle today, with an unflattering photograph of me on page 4. Tomorrow we have a big splash in The Independent (serving the Hudson-Berkshire Corridor). A reporter from the New York Times came today and photographed the show from all angles, so we should get something in there later in the week. Apparently there are Billboards promoting the show. The MASSMoCA marketing department are clearly in full effect.


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