Monday, September 25, 2006



On Friday Ana and I interviewed candidates for a part-time temporary position processing the documentation thrown up by five terms of work in Frankley and helping coordination of a celebratory even showcasing the work of those schools in the New Year.

We were in the fortunate position of having a shortlist of six people who, it turned out, could all have done the job well. It was fascinating to see the possibilities of the job morphing in the presence of each candidate. We got caught between two conflicting visions, the experienced, questioning, thoughtful possibility presented by Carolyn or the sparky intelligence and enthusiasm presented by Jess. In a deft twist we hope to have made these conflicting visions complimentary by employing Jess but booking some of Carolyn’s time as an advisor/curator.

Meanwhile, Jake has been grafting away preparing two City Adventure Days, early research for our outing to Stoke next month and the nitty-gritty of Thursday’s encounter with 58 staff from Castle Vale School in Birmingham. Today was mostly spent labelling and stuffing envelopes with instructions for Teachers.


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